Sunday, February 2, 2014

First Edition! Introduction To Makeup Madness..

Good Morning! :)

This is Anne V from the Philippines and I'm here to give you insight and honest opinion on the latest products in the makeup industry. From promising cosmetic companies here in our country, to sought after brands from abroad.

Welcome to Makeup Madness by Anne V

Okay before anything, let's define, "madness." Big word, I know.. LOL :) So let's see what it really means.

Base on Merriam-Webster;
MADNESS is a state of severe mental illness, also a behavior or thinking that is very foolish or dangerous.

Well I'm pretty sure we don't have mental issues, right guys? As for the second definition, I think it's quite right. Foolish in a way that you don't need it but keep on buying it. Dangerous because you are way beyond your spending limit. You spend more than what you earn. Now that's insane!

So here are some details about me that makes me think I'm mad and crazy about makeup:
  • I started using pressed powder when I was 12 years old. When I was 14, i started using pancake foundation as my everyday school routine.
  • I don't go out without any makeup on. Even if it's around the corner, just to buy something, I need color on my face.
  • I feel naked or bare when I'm not wearing makeup.
  • I have so many makeup that I don't use to the point that I just throw them away because they smell funky already.
  • When I'm in the mall or even in the grocery store, I always stop by the cosmetic section, and end up buying something I don't need.
  • I go crazy and gaga when I see those makeup displayed on the counter. Argh! I wish I can just take them all home.
  • Lately, I'm obsessing with vlog and blog reviews about makeup.
  • As for the outcome of that obsession, I end buying makeup every 1 to 2 weeks.
  • When I have nothing to do at home, I practice putting on makeup. Just to see what look I'm going to wear next.
  • Lastly, I'm a frustrated makeup artist.

So ladies, if you are encountering half of what I said, you definitely have it! It's contagious and it's spreading fast. Don't worry! You're not alone honey.. :)

Thank you so much for reading. Up next, my local brand haul for this week which I just bought last February 1. I hope I won't buy anything else this weekend.

Tata for now! :)

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