Sunday, April 6, 2014

Feedback Time! Etude House Drawing Eyebrow in 01 (Dark Brown)

Hey Guys!

I'm here to share my thoughts on the Etude House Drawing Eyebrow in #01. I hope this will be a big help for those who are thinking of getting it or not.

Etude House is a South Korean cosmetic brand founded in 1966. It is owned by Amore Pacific Group. They have more than 200 brand shop in South Korea and across the world. They may not be available in other countries but some products can be found on ebay. Just be careful when purchasing online because I heard there are fake Etude House products already. :{
Etude House has an international website. Go check out what products they have. For those who lives in the Philippines, they have a local website and a local Facebook account also.

Etude House Drawing Eyebrow has 6 colors available. What I got is the dark brown or the #01 which is just perfect for my skintone and black hair color.
 This product is refillable. How cool is that?!

Here's what the #01 (dark brown) looks like:
It has its own spoolie which is soft and very effective.

Here's a swatch and how it looks like on me:
OMG!! Those bags! :Z Sorry but I'm not going to edit them.

Okay, so while doing my makeup on the upper photo, look what happened to my baby; 
I have no idea how it broke since I only twisted less than a centimeter of product when I used it. It was only my second time using it btw.

OH NOH!! The one that came off is now stuck inside the cap. Shoot! Now I have to find a pin or something to remove it. Darn it.......

Just look what happened! Arrrgghhhh.. Now i need to buy a new one. I was so ready to rave about this product but damn! I know it's cheap but still.. :( What a waste!

WARNING!! Do not even try to repair this product. I tried repairing it but the product just crumbled. I shaped it and shoved it back inside the container but it got stuck on the opening and I can't even unscrew the remaining product. It even stained my table.

Lol! :) What a cheapskate I am. Well, atleast I tried. I was able to remove the stuck product on the tip by scraping it with a pin. Now I'm left with a very tiny amount which I honestly think will only last 3 days on me.

To summarize, here's what I love and hate about the Etude House Drawing Eyebrow. Please take note that these are what I encountered. Our skin differ so what worked for me might not work for you, vise versa.

What I HATE!
  • Consistency. Need I say more. I have no idea why the hell my "drawing" broke. I didn't even drop it. I read some bloggers experienced this also. So be careful!
  • Pigment. It's not that pigmented. The swatches on my hand were applied twice. So you may need to swipe the product several times to achieve your desired color.

What I LOVE!
  • Packaging. I adore the packaging. I think it's unique. Even the spoolie is soft. :)
  • Variety. They have 6 colors available which is really convenient because some brands have only brown and black.
  • Finish. I really love the finish of this product. Since it's not that pigmented, it looks natural on your eyebrows.
  • Price. Super duper cheap! :) 128 (approx. US$3). For the refill, it's only 78 (approx. US$2).

- Yes of course! I told you I'm suppose to rave about this product but an unfortunate thing happened. Still, I'm buying a new one. I'm getting the refill. I'm also going to get another color. Maybe the gray one. :)

- Yes I will recommend this! Just please, be careful. Don't put too much stress in your hand when applying it. Maybe that's why mine broke. I really don't know. :l

Kiss Mark?
- I'm giving this baby 4 kissies! even after the catastrophe.

Thank you so much for reading this! :) Don't forget my heads up on this product.

Tata for now! :)


  1. Oh no! :( I can't stand it when a product I love decides to break on me! Sometimes the formula is so delicate that we can break it just by simply putting it down.

    I love your kiss mark by the way. Such a cute idea!!

    1. Hi Ashley! :) I do agree. I know it's cheap but I do hope Etude House will do something about it since the product is carrying their name. I love this product that's why I still recommend it.

      I was thinking of using stars but since my favicon and logo is already a kiss mark, I might as well use the same image.

      Thank you so much for dropping by Ashley.. Enjoy your day! :)

  2. I think I need to buy that one for me..Need a little careful. ;)

    1. Hi Enileg! :) Yes i do suggest getting this product. It's very affordable and convenient to use because of the way the product was shaped. Unfortunately this is out of stock in Megamall. I would have to drop by at SM Makati for the refill and for another color.

      Thank you for stopping by...

  3. It looks good on you! :) Is this ok to use for a beginner like me? :)

  4. This is easily my favorite brow product. I love the shape and color payoff. Especially beginners, they will find this a cinch to use. Mura pa. :)


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