Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Feedback Time! San San HD Concealer in Beige..

Hey Guys!

I'm back with another local makeup review. I'm going to share my thoughts about the San San HD Concealer in Beige. Before anything else, I just want to give a thumbs up and a pat in the back to those dedicated bloggers and vloggers out there. Gosh! Hindi siya madali (it's not that easy)! Specially for those who blog&vlog everyday. There are so many things to do. You need to do some research, you need to take pictures, you need to do some editing, you need to organize your thoughts, and many more. Honestly, I was kinda lazy to make this review right now because I'm not in the mood. But it's now or never, right? :)

San San Cosmetics is one of the Exclusive brands of HBC (Home of Beauty Exclusives). They started back in 1993 selling nail care products to freelance manicurist and became famous for selling salon related products and services. In 2002, they launched their own brands called Beauty Exclusives. They won an award being the Top Employer at the 2008 Social Security System (SSS) Balikat Ng Bayan Awards and they are also the first retail company to be ISO 9002 Certified. This multi-billion company is promising so it's no surprise that they have a lot of good products. They have a Facebook account and also a website.

I've never used San San before nor I ever bought anything from HBC. I got intrigued with their Single Eyeshadow in White Frost because I heard that it was very pigmented, so I bought it a few weeks ago. That was my very first product from them. Of course, the main culprit why I bought it, is because of those darn vloggers&bloggers. :) Lol.. I love you guys! Then I saw a vlog about the San San HD Concealer, need I say more?

The San San HD High Definition line just recently launched and this is their advertisement with product endorser, Ms. Kristine Hermosa.

Not bad HBC! A very effective endorser and a striking advertisement. I love the sleekness of the purple packaging of this line. I think I know the reason why they choose this color. It's because this year's color is, Pantone Radiant Orchid.

Anyhoo, let's get back to business. Here's what the packaging looks like:
The packaging is actually purple but somehow it appears blue in the pictures. I'm sorry for that.

I really love the color of the packaging. It's unique and nice to look at. Btw, I like glossy things maybe that's why I'm kinda biased about it. The only problem that I have with the packaging are the brush applicator and the twisting end. I think brush applicators are not hygienic, unless you will clean it every after use. Also, the product left in the brush tends to dry. The next time you will use the concealer, it's quite hard to apply because the brush becomes stiff. As for the end that you need to twist, I always end up trying to pull it thinking that it's the cap. Like seriously, when you're in a hurry, you will get confused because you tend not to look at it when you are trying to open it. I think the color should be different, a black maybe, so it's easy to determine which is which.

Here are the ingredients and the back of the packaging:

There's a lot of ingredients in this product, I hope you guys can read it. I'm not going to type it anymore, or else it will take me forever. :) This concealer contains TALC and is MADE IN CHINA. It actually says, Made in P.R.O.C. which is by the way, People's Republic of China. Tadaa! Lol.. :)

Moving on to its performance. I thought at first I got the wrong shade. The product comes in 3 shades btw. They have beige, olive, and natural. I got the Beige. I bought this from Landmark, and they have yellow lights which I really hate. I prefer white lights because yellow is deceiving. Anyway, the shade is just right for me. A wee bit lighter than my skintone but I love it because of the yellow undertone which blends well on  my skin.

The consistency of the product is just right. It's not that creamy but it's easy to apply. The concealer is kinda thick so be careful not to put on too much or else it will crease. Speaking of crease, I did observe a little creasing on my eyelids and under the eyes. So it's advisable to finish your concealer with a powder.
See how thick it is? That's just one swipe.
Yay! :) It blended well on my skin. (Right Side)

As for the longevity, it wears off after 4 hours without setting it with powder. But with powder or foundation on, I would have to say that it lasted on me for a good 6 to 7 hours. Not bad, right?

To summarize, here's what I love and hate about the San San HD Concealer. Please take note that these are what I encountered. Our skin differ so what worked for me might not work for you, vise versa.

What I HATE!
  • Smell. Sorry but the smell really turns me off. Ugh!!
  • Talc. Might be unhealthy.
  • Applicator. Not hygienic. Product dries on the brush.
  • End. Should be a different color. I always confuse it with the cap.

What I LOVE!
  • Consistency. It's easy to apply! Blends well on the skin.
  • Finish. It's not creamy unlike other concealers. Less creasing than the other competitors.
  • Coverage. Very nice coverage. It does cover what you need to cover.
  • Price105 (approx. US$3) Now that's cheap! :)

- BIG YES!! This is currently my fave. I'm not using my other concealers at the moment.

- BIG YES AGAIN!!. :) I'm pretty satisfied with this product. For the price, it's really good. I just hate the smell. Good thing it's not that strong. :P

Kiss Mark?
- I'm giving this baby 4.5 kissies!

Thank you for taking the time to read my review on this product. I hope I was able to help you decide if you will purchase this or not.

Tata for now! :)


  1. Hi, I just wanna ask if this is able to cover up acne marks and dark spots. Thanks. :)

  2. I had a hard time opening it. Twisted it a lot of times and seemed all the product inside oozed out. How to do it properly?


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